Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The second meeting of HAB-FAP Team Members
Review project plan details

John shows off the new GoPro Hero2 camera with the many features that make it ideal

Report back to the group with progress by 4/3 (one week)

Reach out to University of Minnesota (U of M) balloon team for info (blog, arrange a meeting)
Research balloon options
Research Spot GPS options, make purchasing recommendation
Create a site on the Hub once we are up and running

Research hydrogen/helium options, find someone who will sell us a tank of go-go gas
Figure out image correction in Photoshop CS6 for using GoPro cameras as both video and still cameras
Research requirements for added electronics for subsequent flights (ham license, real-time down-link, etc.)

Build blog or website for documenting the project
Reach out to Mike C from the rocket club to find out where he bought the styrofoam sphere for his flying spider

Research FAA rules, and determine our need for a radar reflector. When do we need to fly one?
Research insurance requirements/options/costs. If needed: Does any of our current insurance cover us? How much for a policy to cover each flight?

Corporate sponsorship?